I have enough property to be self-sufficient, food-wise, if I knew how to can and preserve and if I wanted to destroy the lawn in my backyard to make way for crops. Today, I bought ten ears of corn for 18 cents (!) each. So, what would be the point of growing corn? Or potatoes? It seems to be cheaper to but than grow on a small scale. The one benefit is this - whatever one grows does absolutely, I gorantees it, taste better. One season, I grew cucumbers that tasted exactly like their watermelon relatives. Yum. My peas and string beans are sweet as all get out. The eggplant are succulent and the zuchinni would make a fruit insertionist cry with delight. And, back to the herbs - yes, I have more than I could use in ten lifetimes, but I bet you'd love my pasta sauce. Bam!