Do you have any of the following concerns? | ||||||||
1. Difficulty/inability to reach orgasm | Yes | No | ||||||
2. Decreased sexual interest or pleasure | Yes | No | ||||||
3. Decreased genital sensation | Yes | No | ||||||
4. Partner's concern about changes in our sex life | Yes | No | ||||||
5. Decreased frequency of sexual activity | Yes | No | ||||||
6. Decreased frequency of sexual thoughts, urges, or fantasies | Yes | No | ||||||
7. Men only: Soft or absent erections | Yes | No | ||||||
8. Women only: Dryness or pain during sexual activity | Yes | No | ||||||
Can you say YES YES YES!!! I know I could. So, now, no Lexapro. It's not even a matter of whether I have a place to put it. It's a matter of having something more substantial than a veggie hot dog (they're, cold, soft and mushy, generally) tucked away in my bikinis, okay? It's the potential for the ritual to commence with the appropriate totem, or, at my age, relic at hand. Ahem.
So, back to the smoking. As soon as I was off the Wellbutrin, I could swallow a pack a day, twice as much as what I would normally smoke. It didn't matter what brand, either. I became a smoking slut. Sip water, my ass. I'll kill you if I don't get my oral intake of nicotine, tar, CO2 and god knows what else comes through the "filter" of what my daughter sue to call, until she, too, gave up, death sticks.

Part of the fun of smoking is the ritual of it. The tantalizing package, alternatively gently unwrapped or torn open to reveal its juicy innards, waiting to be touched, stroked. The feel of the rigid tube slowly sliding from the package and into one's mouth, grasping its firm end between one's lips, salivating slightly. Touching and patting oneself, at first slowly and soon in panic because SOMEONE STOLE MY GATDAN LIGHTER! The mood is shattered like a rose dropped on a marble table-top after undergoing instant freezing with Nitrogen. What's worse, one has smoker's blue balls as a result of the unrequited desire to farking smoke!

Fire, oh glorious saviour of Man, you keepeth the cold at bay and the saber-toothed tigers away from our cave. You light the furnaces in which we forged bronze. Oh mighty Destroyer and Resurrector, you are why I Flick My Bic (TM). For with Fire, I can erase this deepest of needs, that which is the desire to deeply inhale the carcinogens in your son, the Cigarette (or Cigar or Pipe, but who have you seen smoking a pipe lately, anyhow?)

Some have a little more class than that and might very well have a thousand dollar lighter, gold-covered and jewel-encrusted. (The one shown at left is a ST Dupont model that costs four grand, source elighters.com) Others will have novelty cases for their BICs depicting their disdain for the world or a mini-tryptych devoted to a NASCAR hero. Some, like me, will have a little Lighter Leash attached the the bottom of their disposable (ha) light so that the loanee will not be able to pocket this essential tool of yours, later being mysteriously hard-to-find, both person and lighter. Don't laugh - I happen to have this thing and guess what? I've had the same lighter for at about six months. Pretty clever, Mr. Bond.

So, teachers, leave my fire alone. Get your grubby mits offa my sh*t, y'all or I might have to Tyson ya!